Lulu LaFortune
Lulu LaFortune Limited is a bespoke furniture line that's handmade by skilled craftsmen in LA. Since this was the inaugural launch of the brand and first line, the brand voice had to be established. Since the brand is a namesake, it was important to make the voice fun and quirky as a designer named Lulu.
Brand Manifesto
Since the brand produces limited-edition collections, we created a unified brand manifesto under principles of design that support future collections
Lulu LaFortune Limited is a brand dedicated to designing your next heirloom. Starting with craftsmanship, each piece is a balance of unique materials, impeccable fabrication, and bold design. All furniture is designed with the classics in mind and infused with youthful energy, a juxtaposition that allows the pieces to stand out today while also standing the test of time.
All products are made in the United States of America.
See for yourself at
Furniture designed by Lulu LaFortune
Photographs by Angie Stong
After establishing a solid brand, Lulu and I built the individual collection's themes. From there, we had fun with social media. See for yourself...